Acrylic Builder Brushes

The two basics are animal hair and synthetic hair. Animal hair can store liquid and is more resistant to stronger chemical effects, which is why porcelain brushes are only made of it. Brushes are made from different quality natural hairs, but Kolinsky hair (not a brand, but an animal type) is the most suitable for artificial nail brushes, but there are serious differences in quality even within Kolinsky. The quality of the hair in the onion dome-like belly part of the porcelain brushes determines the ability to store liquid (it absorbs the liquid when dipping, releases it when dipping into powder and smoothing, and absorbs the excess when smoothing (dispenses it by wiping it on a paper towel)). And everything depends on the manufacturer’s precision at the tip of the brushes: the tip of the brush must come together into a point by itself, and there must be a very even transition under the tip so that we can use it to exert adequate pressure on the porcelain in the bond.


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